fredag 6. november 2020

A BLOG? what is this, 2010?

 I know, I know, but if we were going to respect common chronology we wouldn't be here now would we.

Most model horse collectors follow a predictable route: first the cheapo toys, then Breyers, Stones, then on to resins, and for the ultimate x-th level black belts: custom glazed chinas. 

I am not most model horse collectors. 

From collecting Breyers and Stones and, yes, even resins, I've returned to my childhood favourites, the unloved and forgotten cheapies, partly because they're cute and partly because there's very little information about them to be found and what little there is is hopelessly scattered, and I enjoy doing research. 

Plus, y'know, it's 2020. Why deny yourself something fun just because you're supposed to have outgrown it? 

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Funrise series 1 part 3

  1st of all: I aten't dead. It's just that time has lost all meaning and I haven't felt like doing this for a bit, so this post...